Start Making Games in just 3 easy Steps.

Start Making Games in just 3 easy Steps.

Making game is fun, every programmer should have just a little bit of knowledge about how games work. That's why I am gonna share with you 3 easy steps by which you can quickly start making games.

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Lets first understand what exactly is a game?

A game is a system in which players engage in an artificial conflict, defined by rules, that results in a quantifiable outcome. It is a form of art in which participants, termed players, make decisions in order to manage resources through game tokens in the pursuit of a goal

Step 1

Start by learning a programming language first. You have to communicate what you want to do to the computer in a logical step-by-step way. That's the only way the computer understands. The choice of programming lang is critical. I suggest 2 languages C or C++ and Python.

Use Python if you want to get things done fast. If you want your knowledge to scale infinitely and gain a deep understanding of computers use C and then C++.

Step 2

After you sort out the language part. Choose an Game Engine.Pick a ready-made game engine, UE4 (if you know C++) or Unity (C#) or others for other languages. Knowing Python and wanting to make a 2d game you can use PyGame(helps you in understanding how games work).

It will be a great opportunity to get your feet wet. I started with PyGame too and it was great and quite easy and I learned a lot.

Step 3

Keep making games. This is the part that will make you perfect. [To stay motivated you can upload your games on a platform know as Itch]

If your mind is set though, you can do it. It's a lovely journey that's what you have to remember. Make sure you have fun, Time to get to work!!