5 things you need to do when learning how to code.

Here are the five things you need to do when learning how to code.

  • Learn to be patient

Learning how to code takes long time, you need to be patient in this period of learning. Patience is arguably one of the most important character traits of a programmer. You need to be someone who has the ability to stare at a computer screen for hours. A seemingly simple problem can take hours, or even days to solve. You can only learn by sitting down and spending hours debugging code.

  • Build projects repeatedly

This is super important and I'm not the only one that says that. Every developer that used this strategy learned how to code a lot faster. Start with small and easy projects, then gradually move to the harder end.

  • Take notes

When you're first learning how to code lots of new concepts are thrown at you. It's impossible to remember all of them. That's why writing them down will help you. You'll thank yourself for doing this every time you'll forget something.

  • Learn something new Everyday

Learning is what helps you solve the problems in ours code. Learn something new from anywhere, Twitter, Reddit, Stack Overflow.

  • Google a lot

Whenever you get stuck in any problem while you code, google your problem. Google is your friend, He has the solution for every problem. Experienced and good programmers use Google a lot.

End of Blog.

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